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Top 5 DIY Hair Care Products You Need For Summer

Having a good – looking and healthy hair means constantly taking care of it. That’s the reason why you need to have your own hair routine and use certain products in order to achieve the best results.
When it comes to the products, there are bunch of serums, masks and conditioner that you can buy in stores or online. But, if you don’t want to spend so much money or want to try something more homemade, you can always try out DIY products. In this article you can read about ten different homemade hair products, from masks to serums. Choose the one you need the most and you’ll be a step closer to having the hair you want!

1. Salty Spray

Have you notice how your hair gets those adorable boho waves when you’re at the beach? The salty water sure does some magic to our hair and the good news is that you don’t need to spend so much money on expensive products or wait for your vacation. You can make your salty spray and for that you just need spray bottle, 1 cup hot water, 1-2 tbsp. sea salt, 1 tbsp. coconut oil and hair gel, but this is optional. Just mix all the ingredients and shake the bottle before you use it. However, don’t use the spray too often because the salt will damage your hair.

2. Conditioning Hair Mask

These natural oils penetrate the hair strands and can bring the moisture back. Coconut oil can help with reducing protein loss and can help if you’re dealing with dandruff, hair loss or damaged hair. Olive oil will help each hair strand stronger and just as the coconut oil, will work as anti – dandruff, moisturizer and makes the hair more soft. To make a conditioning mask out of these oil, you need 25g coconut oil and 25g olive oil. Blend them together and leave on hair for 30 minutes before you wash it with your shampoo.

3. Vitamin C Spray

If you like spending your time in pools, then you should be aware that the chlorine can do damage to your hair. It’s not as easily as removed as dirt or oil and because of that it has more time to damage it. Plus, the smell is present as well! To help you fight off the chlorine from your hair, you can make your own vitamin C spray. You need 1 c rosehips, 2 c organic apple cider vinegar, essential oils and a glass jar. Combine the rosehips and the vinegar for 4 – 6 weeks and then strain out the mixture with cheesecloth or similar. Place the strain liquid in spray bottle and you’re done!

4. Emu Oil Hair Growth Serum

For those of you who haven’t heard before about emu, it’s a bird that is present only in Australia. The oil from the emu is derived from the fat and can do magic for your hair, especially for hair loss. To make your own serum using this oil, you need 2 tbsp. emu oil and 15 drops of each of the following oils: cedarwood, lavender, rosemary, thyme and saw palmetto. Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle and spray it on your scalp before you go to bed. Wash it in the morning and repeat this few times per week.

5. Hair Lightening Spray

Wishing your hair color was lighter? We understand you! But, the truth is, if you constantly use chemical products for hair lightening, there’s a high possibility that your hair will get damaged and will lose its shine. In order to prevent that and still get what you want, make your own hair lightening product. You need strongly brewed chamomile tea, lemon juice, honey and a spraying bottle. All the stated ingredients – honey, lemon and chamomile are known as natural hair lighteners, so if you want your color one or even more shades lighter, try this out.

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