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TOP 5 Overnight Tips to Wake Up Beautiful

The life of a busy girl really is a hard one. Often, because of hectic lifestyle many ladies don’t have enough time to take care of themselves. We’ve all heard about the term ‘beauty sleep‘, but when you wake up with your hair all over the place it really doesn’t seem possible to achieve.
Don’t worry ladies, you don’t have  to cut off your beauty routine. Why not use your 8 hours of sleep well and let yourself wake up feeling fresh and pretty in the morning. Here are some things that can help you get your rest and sneak in some beauty treatments at the same time. They are so easy you can do them with your eyes closed!

Smooth Rough Feet

Don’t have enough time or money to get a pedicure? No worries, you can easily soften up your feet at home overnight. All you have to do is use Vaseline or warm olive oil to massage your feet, then put on an old pair of cotton socks. The socks hold the moisturizer against your skin, thereby helping it penetrate. A perfect remedy for dry, cracked and calloused feet.

Lengthen Lashes

While there are plenty of expensive eyelash growth serums on the market, many experts recommend an easy overnight treatment. Apply castor oil from root to tip of your lashes before you go to sleep. This natural oil is rich in super-hydrating omega-6 fatty acids, which help moisturize your lashes and prevent breakage, and can also be used for eyebrows. Try this and you will notice results in just a few weeks.

Whiten Teeth

Want a whiter smile? Try baking soda before bed. Start with brushing your teeth regularly, then just dip your toothbrush in baking soda and brush your teeth one more time. Leave the mixture on for 5-6 minutes and make sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards. It’s a great overnight treatment because you’d normally have to wait an hour before eating or drinking anything. Just be sure to only do it once a week or you could damage your teeth.

Moisturized Lips

Waking up to kissable lips isn’t complicated at all. Simply use a lip scrub before heading to bed and then apply your favorite lip balm or a nourishing oil (olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil). It will hydrate your lips overnight and make them feel nice and smooth in the morning. Doing this often will help you to forget about chapped lips forever!


Do you constantly wake up with dark circles under your eyes despite getting enough sleep? Then you should definitely try this simple switch: add an extra pillow and sleep on your back. It will allow the fluids around your eyes to drain easier and will minimize the puffiness. If this doesn’t work, apply sweet almond oil right under your eyes before sleeping. The oil is very nourishing and can take great care for the delicate area under your eyes, so you will wake up looking fresh and rejuvenated!

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