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If you’ve been around the beauty blogosphere in the last couple of years, you’re not doubt familiar with the Korean beauty products that have taken the world by storm! More specifically, Korean sheet masks which promise to smooth, hydrate, and fix all sorts of skin issues, not to mention that sheet masks are just fun to apply in general! What’s more is that sheet masks, unlike traditional paste masks, are much more gentle and can be applied as often as once a day. But what about making your own sheet masks and saving some money while you’re at it?

We’re going to show you how to make your OWN sheet mask – a reusable DIY sheet mask to be more specific so that not only can you save money but also save the planet…one sheet mask at a time!

Made entirely with natural, good-for-your skin ingredients and reusable fabric, this reusable DIY sheet mask is easy to make and will make your skin glow while hydrating and preventing breakouts!

Reusable DIY Sheet Mask Recipe

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You’ll Need:
12-10″ cotton muslin or gauze, pre-washed
1 tbsp rosewater or cooled green tea
1/4 tsp rose hip oil or argan oil
1/2 tsp honey
a pinch of vitamin C powder (optional)
soaking sheet maskSave

Grab a sheet of paper and place it over your face. Gently use a pencil or pencil to trace around your eyes, nose, and mouth. It doesn’t have to be perfect!
Now, place that sheet over the cotton muslin or gauze and use a knife or scissors to cut out eyes, the sides of the nose, and mouth.
Cut the cotton mulsin or gauze into a round or oval shape to fit your face.
In a small bowl, mix all ingredients together and soak the mask until almost all is absorbed.
Apply the mask to a clean face and leave on for 15-20 minutes.
Remove mask and gently massage into skin for a few minutes.
Wash mask and air dry.
The mask is gentle enough to use daily and will leave your skin super soft and hydrated!

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