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Tea for the Cure

Flavonoids are the star ingredient in tea that make it such a good choice for your drink of choice.  They are defined as “a large class of plant pigment…oxygen containing aromatic antioxidant compound”. What they do strengthens capillary tissue and enhance the effects of vitamin C in the body. The teas to help purify the body weight loss, Elim accumulated toxins, and excess water. When you want to keep a diet it is good to include in your daily regime and tea cleansing.

Slimming tea can be consumed after heavy meals to help your body digest excess fat easier. Slimming teas should be included in any treatment that help eliminate extra pounds. In addition to a diet low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables and physical activity has numerous beneficial properties in tea fat burning and detoxification. Slimming tea helps to clean your body, contributes to weight loss faster and eliminate excess water. They have antioxidant, invigorating, energizing and even reduce the risk of respiratory and cardiac diseases and can be consumed daily with or without food. Most recommended are the teas with detoxifying action, diuretic and laxative. That is very good for tea drinkers. It means that while they’re enjoying a warm cup of tea, they’re fighting disease, old age and death. Tea is powerful stuff.
Black, White, Green and Oolong teas contain these flavonoids. They fight free radicals that are linked to diseases like cancer and heart disease. Black tea specifically heals the lungs and protects against smoking damage. It maintains weight control and reduces stroke risk. White tea is the most dynamic cancer fighter. Long is thought to reduce cholesterol resulting in good heart health.
Teas poor:

– moisturizes the body

– to accelerate the metabolism

– blurred feeling of hunger

– stimulates digestion

– stimulates sweat

– provides the body with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals

– balance endocrine activity

All teas are thought to enhance mental clarity and increase alertness, but the herbal teas are thought to be doing more common cold fighting, reducing inflammation and promoting healthy sleep patterns. They are also champions of weight loss and allergy prevention. Chamomile does more intense work in preventing nerve and kidney damage and loss of eye sight associated with diabetes. Rooibos, also a hard working herbal tea, is a heavy duty cancer fighter.

Peppermint tea is another drink cooler that help cut appetite. Prepare an infusion of 2 teaspoons of dried plant or plant leaves for green, over which boiling water poured. Mint tea is ideal after a meal, because it helps digestion. Note, however, consumed in excess, mint tea’re constipated, which will aggravate any diet. Therefore, do not drink more than three mugs a day and try to alternate it with other teas for weight loss.

Green tea is one of the most effective antioxidant, dissolved fats and fatty acids uptake stopped. It is indicated in all diets because it helps to maintain body weight, fluid balance in the body and, in addition, inhibit the growth of harmful cells in the body and thus prevents cancer, thus maintaining younger for longer.

Black tea has similar properties of green tea, intensifying metabolism and favoring fat burning. Recent research has shown that two of the substances present in black tea – theaflavin and tearubigina – behaves like insulin, controlling blood sugar levels. Horsetail tea helps to eliminate toxins from the blood while having a antimicrobial. The tea is prepared from dried plant, about 5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. Make a decoction and drink throughout the day. Tea Nettle remove excess water accumulated. For a guaranteed effect, the tea should be drunk every day to two months. It can be prepared in the form of an infusion of 4-5 tablespoons of dried nettle leaves to 1 liter of boiling water. Dandelion tea is a cleansing tea, perspiration and diuretic. Drink about two cups of tea a day, prepared from dried herb – 2 teaspoons per cup of hot water.

Artichoke tea helps the digestive process is an excellent liver tonic. Drink for a month about 2 cups of infusion per day. Following a two-week break.

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