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Think of your body as a piece of wood with a great potential. You need an appropriate tool, hard work and time to transform it into a beautiful sculpture. Weight training could be a chisel which creates the shapes of your dreams. I’m a huge fan of this workout! And you?

Weight training makes a contribution to rapid weight loss process in a number of ways. As any other type of intense activity, it burns a fair amount of calories thereby deepens caloric deficit. During the workout, your body depletes glycogen storage to provide energy for muscles. Afterwards, during recovery time, glycogen reserves should be restored and for that process you need energy and specific macronutrients, so calorie requirements are increased. Done properly, weightlifting is an enormous stimulus of muscle growth process. More muscle tissue means more energy is needed, so you burn more calories throughout the whole day, not only during exercising! But the spectrum of potential benefits of weight training goes way wider than just creating the favorable fat loss environment. It also prevents osteoporosis as it increases bone density, it strengthens your heart and thereby reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, it improves insulin sensitivity, so it makes the development of type II diabetes less likely. As you see, with that kind of physical activity you can kill two birds with one stone – you win not only silhouette of your dreams, but also a life in good health.

How do I plan my workout?

While there’s wide range of exercises that you can implement into your workout plan, I would recommend you to:

focus mainly on global, multi-joint exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, lunges and so on rather than single-joint ones. They engage more muscles and allow you to scorch more calories. Additionally, many of them are natural movements used in everyday life.
stick with free weights instead of machines. Machines often forces you to make unnatural movement which is bad for condition of your joints. Exercising with free weights works not only a major muscles, but also stabilizer muscles which contract to keep your body steady.
choose full body workout (FBW) system rather than split. Every system has its pros and cons, but I find FBW suitable for beginners, while benefits of split are rather available for advanced bodybuilders.
Here is the example of full body workout for beginners (a number of series and reps are in brackets):


Squat with barbell (5x5)
Barbell row (5x5)
Bench press (5x5)
Lateral raise (3x8)
Triceps dip (3x8)

Deadlift (5x5)
Military press (5x5)
Wide grip pull up (5x5)
Hip thrust (3x8)
Barbell curl (3x8)
For beginners 3 times a week in the system: A B A, B A B, and so on will be an optimal frequency. Start with reasonable weights and try to lift heavier week after week.

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