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3 Tips For Taking Care Of Oily Hair And Scalp

Oily hair and scalp is an incredibly frustrating issue. Many people feel embarrassed and lose their confidence due to it as it is often associated with a lack of hygiene. That, however, is a huge misconception – in fact, over-washing your hair does the opposite of de-greasing it and only encourages the production of excess oil. Battling this issue is no easy task either. Sure, some say that touching your hair less, giving up on hair strengthener and being careful not to over-brush is all you need. But what do you do if your hair just has a natural predisposition towards oiliness? Well, in that case, you might need to invest some time and energy into finding the right products and remedies for your hair... or even making them by yourself!

1. Dry Shampoo

Need your greasy hair situation fixed FAST? This DIY "dry cleaner" tutorial might be the solution.
See the tutorial here.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Apple cider vinegar has some amazing uses when it comes to health and beauty. Helping fight oiliness in the hair is just one of them.

3. Green Tea & Honey Shampoo

Bothered by oily scalp? Green tea and honey are the two ingredients you need. Get the recipe here.

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