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Easy Wedding Hair a Triple Braided Updo #hairstyle

You know the saying, “When it rains it pours?” I feel like that really applies to your friend group getting married. One year you won’t have any weddings to attend, the next summer it seems like they’re back-to-back, and you’re scrambling to figure out if anyone will notice if you wear the same dress twice! Wedding season is on my mind since I’ve been talking to one of my best friends about bridesmaid dresses recently and all the coordinating details naturally follow. Thankfully most of my friends are pretty low-key—they don’t mind a DIY manicure or hairstyle. This is one hairstyle I’m contemplating for my next wedding to attend; a romantic braided updo that looks far more complicated than it is. 

Step One: Separate your hair into three simple braids and tie them off with small, clear elastics.
Step Two: Pancake or tease your braids for a fuller or messier look.
Step Three: Take the braid from your left side and pull it across to your right and pin in place.
Step Four: Take the braid from your right side and cross it over to the left and pin in place. Tuck the ends of your braids underneath each other.
Step Five: Take your final middle braid and pull it to the top, tucking the end underneath and pinning it in place.
Step Six: That’s it! Use a few more bobby pins to make everything secure and pin up loose hairs.

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